I started this journey years ago. It all started with the simple clearing of various boxes, while we were getting ready to renovate our basement. We needed to have the space available (obviously) so the contractor could install drywall and flooring, you know the typical renovation stuff. Well, just imagine if you have mountains of stuff just accumulating (and having no idea what that stuff is). We finally cleared it all out and the renovation was able to commence. Now, fast forward to today. Since that initial start, I have read the ever popular “The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo, and like many who have read her books, it did in fact change my life. I started looking at things differently and not with as much attachment. I mean these items may have played a very important role in my life once but what were they doing now, just held up in boxes for years. Happily, a few years later we are slowly getting to a place where I want to be, but the million dollar question is, “What is that place?”.
Minimalism to me doesn’t mean all white modern interiors, with zero clutter. It means finding balance, creating a space that I am excited to be in. Less stuff to me also equals less to clean and more time with my family. If I do not buy all the unnecessary items, then we also save and thus will give us more time to take vacations together as a family.
When people hear the word “minimalism” they often associate it with a lack of stuff but that is not what I want my home to be. I want my space to be cozy, warm and free of clutter. That my friends is what I considered minimalism, in 3 simple words, “free of clutter”.
So friends, I hope you will continue to follow me on my journey of creating a simple, clutter free home filled with warmth and coziness. Where you will hopefully hear more laughter of children and see our family go on some new adventures.