Our master bedroom has always lacked style and design. It has always been the room that everything went to…well…you get the picture. My husband and I have never invested any money into our bedroom, hand me down furniture, no real bed (just a metal frame) and a double (gasp!!) mattress. (Seriously, my 7 year old son has the same size bed as us, that is just wrong!) Matt and I have been married for 11 years (12 years next month) and I have never made our bedroom a priority, but this is all going to change!
Introduce Calling It Home and the ever so popular biannual event, The One Room Challenge. I am relatively new to the “blogging” world, my main focus for the past 2 years has been on my YouTube channel but my heart was telling me I needed to start writing and then when I did, I came across the ORC. I seriously felt like this was meant to be. Interior design has always been a passion of mine, so I knew I had to try my hand at this.
You see, our master bedroom is dark and does not reflect my current design style at all. I’ll show you a few different views of what it is looking like currently…
Please, I know, pictures not hung, a vacuum sitting in the master bedroom? What am I thinking? You see, my bedroom has always became the dumping ground for everything and I really want this to change.
Yes, 2 different curtains, what am I thinking? Who knows sometimes….
I hate a TV in the bedroom (most of the time) but hubby likes it so I let him have this one 😉 but that dresser…..
This is a closer look at the dresser. This dresser still works great but the looks…well, it looks horrible. I have some grand plans for this dresser, that will save me money and make it look like new (I hope).
Lastly, the bed, lacking everything, I’ve never had a headboard. The bedside tables are chipped and stained and well we only have one lamp.
While it is livable, it just doesn’t reflect either of our styles. Here is a view of my design board.
You see we are going for a light, bright and airy master bedroom with touches of farmhouse style. We would love to take away the dark brown carpet….
but it is just not in the budget at the moment, so we will work with what we have.
I hope you continue to follow along with me throughout this challenge and to check out all the other lovely guest bloggers participating 🙂
I have a lot to do in this short time frame and with working full time outside the home it is going to prove to be a challenge but I have a feeling I will be able to get it done (I hope!)
You’ve got your work cut out for you! Good luck friend!
I can’t wait to see what you do! Good luck!
I can’t wait to see what all you do in this space!! I love your mood board!
I really like the look that you are going for! Can’t wait to watch.
That bedroom definitely deserves some love! Can’t wait to see how it turns out!
I love a good master bedroom reno, especially anything farmhouse style! Can’t wait to follow along!
I can’t wait to see how it turns out!!
Your bedroom and my guest bedroom look so similar just as you said. So funny! I love your plan for your room……I love the paint color you have picked. I think it will look fantastic. Looking forward to following along as you transform your space.
Thanks for stopping by!!
Love your inspiration board! I’m tackling the master bedroom too! I can’t wait to see your project grow… I’ll be cheering you on! xo!
Why is it that our bedrooms seem to be our last priority? Looks like you have some wonderful plans for this space. Can’t wait to see how it all comes together 🙂
[…] ORC Week One Master Bedroom Inspiration and Ideas/ ORC Week Two Master Bedroom Changes […]
[…] Week One/Week Two/Week Three […]
[…] ORC Week 1: Inspiration and Ideas/ORC Week 2: Changes/ORC Week 3: Painting walls, painting furniture/ORC Week 4: Bedside Table Dilemma […]
[…] ORC Week One: Inspiration and Ideas/ORC Week Two: Changes/ORC Week Three: Painting walls, painting furniture/ORC Week Four: Bedside Table Dilemma/ORC Week Five: The last few things […]