The struggles of decisions. How does one decide what to do with what one has? See, we bought this house 8 years ago. 8 years ago I was (very) pregnant with my first. He was due to come on September 16th and we had a closing/moving date of August 24th. So, you can imagine the stress of moving and only having 2 weeks to get everything in and organized was just not happening. I put little thought into the placement and organization of all the rooms (except his sweet nursery, that was all set up and ready to go- you can read about that here). To get back to the point, we have this one room that has really been the “catch all” room. It has went from TV room, to playroom, to office space, back to a playroom and now I call it the “messy room where things go to die”.
I have really been thinking about the direction and focus of my blog and YouTube channel lately and how having a dedicated space for writing and filming my be helpful, especially when the children are home. I just am not sure if this would be considered “greedy” or “selfish” for me to choose a room to have just for myself and not give that space to my whole family or my children.
Why do we as mothers always put the needs of others ahead of ourselves? I know I have written about making sure that we take time for ourselves (which is something else I still really struggle with) but when it comes down to getting something for us versus using that money or space for our children, our children usually win out because it feels wrong to think about ourselves before them. Am I making sense? I think we need to let go of this stigma and remember that we are important too and (as I have said in the past) we are the glue that holds the family together and sometimes, just sometimes, we need to put us before others.
I am still on the fence on what to do with this room.

It would make an amazing home office space I know. I have so many ideas (and I promise to share if I decide to do the room). Let me know if you have your own dedicated space just for yourself, whether it be a home office or just a “mom cave”. Are you guilty of putting the needs and wants of your children or others ahead of your own?
Take Care and Hugs,
Well sometimes we have to help ourselves before helping others.. like the instruction in every flight.. hahhaha..
Yeah, I hear you on this one…:) I am still struggling with this…