Today I decided to focus on me, to do something for myself that I have learned that I love. This blog, while only started last month, is something that I look forward to writing in. I set my alarm this morning for 5 a.m. (not a huge time change since I usually get up at 5:30 a.m.) and up I jumped out of bed. There is something satisfying about coming downstairs so early when the sun (and everyone else) is still asleep. Sitting in the dark (which reminds me, I need to get a lamp for the dining room), just typing away. It also reminds me that, as mom’s we need to carve out that time for ourselves. We spend so many hours though out the day taking care of everyone else that we sometimes get lost in the process.

When I first became a mom, it was seriously the best feeling. I had wanted, for so long, to be someone’s mom. Then I made a deal with myself that I would take that hour, that little chunk of time and just be Jen. Not a mom, a teacher or a wife but just me. That little piece was lost somehow. Now as a mom of 2 active school age children and working full time outside of the home, I do find it hard to find that time for just me. So, hot coffee in hand, I write. I sit in the darkness of the dining room and just write what is on my mind and in my heart.

As moms, we are too quick to focus on everyone else and we lose ourselves, but really if we let ourselves slip then that glue, that string, that piece that holds the family together, starts to unravel and slowly fall apart. We have to remember before someone called us mom, we had a name.
So ladies, I urge you, take some time to be just you. Whether you set aside an hour to head to a gym class that you enjoy, out for coffee with a friend, take a bath in the evening (and lock the door) or like me, get up when everyone is sleeping and do what you love. Time for us to remember that we are important and even if just for a little while ( whether it be 20, 30, 60 minutes per day or per week) we need to put our needs first. To some this may sound silly or selfish, but I am pretty sure, if you are anything like me, you will feel refreshed and ready to tackle any issue as a mom once you carve out this time).

Please let me know in the comments what is it you do to set time aside for yourself? Do you get up early? Head to the gym? Coffee? Shopping with a friend? Thanks for reading and we will “see” you soon.
Ηmm is anyone else experiencing problems with the pictures on this bⅼog loadіng?
I’m trying to find out if its a problеm on my end or if it’s the blog.
Ꭺny responses would be greatly appreciated.
I am sorry you are having issues, I don’t see any problems on my end. I hope you get it fixed 🙂