My little girl is five years old, I am having a hard time with this. It just seems like yesterday and she was just a thought, a wish, a prayer. Now she is a spunky, energetic little princess who has her own style, fashion and decor. So before I start showing you her room ideas for her new “Big Girl” room I thought I would share some of her nursery. She hasn’t been in her crib for years now, she was transitioned into a twin bed when she was 2 years old. We just didn’t decorate her room. I really have no idea why, maybe it was time or money or both, but in any case we are going though the process now and we are both excited for paint and pictures and decorating her room to fit her style and personality.
Her nursery was a room I was so excited to decorate. I was dreaming of decorating a nursery for a little girl, so you can imagine how happy I was to hear that I was having a little princess <3
When we first moved into the house, I was pregnant with my son. I knew that I wanted a nice, light blue for his room and settled on Natura Paints by Benjamin Moore and the color we decided on was a nice, pale blue called Harbour Fog.

This color actually would work perfect for my little princesses room design. I had decided on a whimsical, garden theme with owls and birds and flowers.
We kept the crib since when we purchased it I knew I wanted one that was cream and would work with both genders. I loved that crib. I added a pastel pink crib sheet, a blanket that I made with some fabric that coordinated with the colors of the room. I also changed up the old mobile (which was boats- I’ll share Connor’s nursery next) and added some felt clouds, birds and owls that I made.

Some other fun details that I added and loved in the room were I used a bamboo stick that I had in the house already and used it as a curtain rob. I thought that little detail definitely added a little “extra” in her room.
The curtains were something I had found at WalMart before Little M was even born, even before we knew she was a she. They were perfect!

I also love the letters I made that spell her name 🙂
The bookshelf stayed pretty much the same and it was nice that many of the things I bought for C’s nursery still worked for Miss M’s room as well. I added some birdhouses purchased at Michael’s and I painted them. I also added some flowers I already had.
This was her changing table space with all the supplies that we received from her baby shower. Above her table were some DIY Pottery Barn inspired signs (stay tuned for a post with more detail on how you can go this as well).
This nursery was one of my favorite spaces to design and decorate. I have to say that I can see how my style has evolved and changed over the years and how I now tend to lean to a more simplistic style.
Madeline and I are excited to change her space and we are excited to finally change the paint in this room, which is much needed after nearly 8 years 🙂
Please comment telling me one of your favorite spaces to decorate and stay tuned to see some of more detailed posts on some of the DIY’s from Miss M’s nursery.